Go green


Reupholstering your sofa is environmentally friendly and good value. Older sofas are far superior than cheap Chinese imports that dominate the UK market.

Reupholstering your sofa will give you
a better “new” sofa, with far less
environmental impact.

Together, we’ll ensure:

no rainforest icon

No trees will have been cut down and rainforests cleared.

no factory icon

There’ll be less factory pollution (we won’t even mention factory conditions.)

no transport icon

There’ll be less transport pollution – saving over 6,000 miles.

no landfill icon

There’ll be less transport pollution – saving over 6,000 miles.

British made icon

Your “new” sofa will be rebuilt by British craftsmen. It will also be better quality and longer lasting than cheap imports.

Reupholster your sofa.
Save money.
Save the planet.

20% off fabric this week

Offer ends 29 December 2024
Get quote today
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